Jennie Lawson - Mimosa Beauty Ltd
''I have run my own company since I was 21 and never had the advice I now get. To have someone who has my back and is always looking at the big picture is so reassuring. I now have that, and it’s worth its weight in gold.
I used to dread calls with my old accountants. Nicola’s monthly calls keep me on track because I now know what we need to be doing as a company. Andrea’s weekly emails keep me on the ball and make a huge difference.
Nicola comes at it with a different approach – what worked, what didn’t work, what happened here. She sees the blips and gives me the reassurance that someone is looking.
I know what’s happening and what the numbers look like. Having foresight on the accounts that I didn’t before has given me the confidence to make decisions and to have realistic financial goals.
Everything is kept on top of all the time. When I was recently considering making a significant investment in the company all the figures and forecasts were at our fingertips and it’s what we needed.
Knowing that Nicola is there and is so on the ball makes life a million times easier. She has completely got my back.
I would 100% recommend Envision Partnership. It’s a completely different approach to accounting. The small things make the biggest difference such as fixed monthly fees, having a sounding board that has got your best interests at heart, and the advantage of having everything digital.''
Paul Sanders - Photographer
''Having Envision looking after my accounts has meant that I have access to call for guidance and advice for all sorts of minor issues that seem to me to be major hurdles, but both Nicola and Andrea have simplified everything meaning I can concentrate on what I do and not worry so much about the tax and accounting. I have become more aware of my finances and taken a greater interest in the financial growth of my business. I have learned to say no to unprofitable work and as a result been more in demand!
The way Envision have supported me, walked me through everything at a pace and with terms I can understand has made a huge impact to my understanding of my business but by taking all of my accounting online they have given me more time to focus on my clients and it means all of the tedious jobs like expenses and receipt input is largely done at point of purchase so by following the guidance, I have saved time and money and grown my business.
Since the lock down the advice and guidance I have had has meant that I have been able to adapt my business to a changing market and not only stabilise it but grow it. To say you have given me confidence is an understatement and you have certainly changed the way I do business and made a hugely positive impact on my life is no exaggeration.
I came on board because I could see the value you had offered. I must admit I was scared at having someone talk to me about the accounts but actually for five minutes of fear I have gained a lifetime of ideas and inspiration, plus I feel that both of you care about my business and that wasn’t the case with my old accountant. You have done more to grow my business in 1 year than he did in the 10 plus years. I see you as an investment in the future.''
Paul Marsh - Emeritus Professor of Finance, London Business School
''Nicola has been looking after our tax affairs since 2006. We were so impressed with her excellent service that, despite being longstanding clients of her previous firm, we sought her out and followed her to her new firm, then moved with her again when she set up Envision Partnership.
Nicola looks after all of my wife’s and my tax affairs. This has included tax arising from employment, directorships, self-employed consulting income, and investments, including overseas stocks, bonds and funds. Her assistance, advice and overall service has been outstanding – fast, attentive, helpful, practical, highly professional and based on a deep knowledge of taxation. Nicola’s familiarity with and understanding of the details and fine print of capital gains tax, pensions, VAT and tax on foreign income leaves me, as a professor of finance, very much in the shade.
I recommend Nicola unreservedly.''
Julie Minns - Communications Consultant
''Nicola has been incredibly helpful during my first year as a sole trader. She makes everything effortless, straightforward and jargon free. I feel totally confident putting my finances in Nicola's very capable hands.
Nicola immediately spotted that I was due a refund against previous years, took care of the paperwork, and left me with little to do except enjoy the unexpected repayment of almost £3k.
I have no hesitation in recommending Nicola and look forward to continuing our partnership.''
Garry Martin - Curve Garden Rooms Ltd
''You are my rocks. I know I don’t have to waste my headspace on that stuff because I know you’ve got it covered.You make me feel so much more confident about my accounts and I appreciate the fact that you’re so driven.''
And there's more
''Nicola’s approach is reassuring, straightforward and she makes even the most complex matters easy to understand''
and this
“I find your approach is refreshingly honest and down to earth - and that your use of simple language makes financial information so easy to handle”
and this
“You just totally get me and you don’t make me feel stupid. I feel so much stronger having you as part of my team and I am beginning to feel more in control.”